Central Jersey Vet Keep Your Pet Healthy

Central Jersey Animal Hospital
  • (732) 845-0200
  • 44 Thoreau Drive
    Freehold, NJ 07728
  • Monday - Friday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday:
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Microchipping your pet is a great way to ensure that they will be brought back to you safely if they ever get lost. We highly advise all pet owners to microchip their pets.

The microchip is as small as a grain of rice. It is placed under the skin with a needle. Each microchip comes with an identification number that goes into your pet’s profile. Microchip scanners are able to pull up your pet’s microchip number to help identify and find who their owner is.

Lost pets are brought to veterinary offices, shelters, police stations, and other authorized personnel. They will be able to contact your veterinary office in order to inform you of your lost pet to help you reunite with them.

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